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Red Hibiscus. Beautiful red flower. Hori


“Your life is a printout of your subconscious programming” Dr Bruce Lipton.


Transformational Therapy is a modern therapy framework that utilises the extraordinary power of our unconscious minds to deliver permanent change from physical, emotional and psychological problems. 


It’s a highly tailored, flexible, solution-focused, client-centred approach that incorporates tools and techniques derived from a wide range of successfully proven therapies including: Clinical Hypynotherapy, NLP, CBT, Gestalt and Psychotherapy.


Have you noticed that even after spending much conscious effort to make changes to the way you think, feel and behave nothing really works? We have all read self-help books, listened to Ted talks and Podcasts, used our will power, engaged in talking therapies and although these can be beneficial in many ways, we often end up frustrated as they rarely lead to tangible, long-term shifts? This is because all these activities involve the use of our conscious minds, dealing with patterns of thought, feelings and behaviour that we are already aware of, however,  if we know that it is the unconscious programming that is controlling us 95% of the time, it seems clear that this is where the work needs to be done in order to be truly effective.


If we compare our minds to a computer, we know that there are programmes running in the background that we are completely unaware of. As I mentioned earlier, research shows that 95% of our behaviour is controlled by our unconscious minds, this is truly incredible! Additionally we know that of the 60,000-80,000 thoughts we have per day, 80% are negative and 95% are repetitive (the same thoughts we have had for years, coming from software programming we downloaded before we were 7 years old). It is these downloaded negative programmes that rule our thinking and can sabotage us throughout our lives.


By using Hypnosis to relax the conscious mind, I can help you disconnect from the environment and focus within instead. Together we can look at the specific programme your mind downloaded at a very early age. Once you become aware of this programme, I can help you re-evaluate long-held debilitating beliefs that are not supportive and that in the past have led to self-sabotage. We can get to the root cause of your issue and rapidly rewire the neural pathways of the brain... eradicating and replacing negative thoughts, feelings and patterns of behaviour with new, more positive ones in hours, rather than months or years. Listening to the bespoke audio for 21 days will ensure that these new patterns and neural pathways are embedded. Over time you will find yourself living a new life...literally thinking, feeling and behaving differently..."neurons that fire together wire together". You will feel empowered and liberated.






  • Achieving goals

  • Addictions

  • Anger

  • Anxiety

  • Career

  • Childhood problems

  • Compulsions 

  • Confidence

  • Depression

  • Eating issues

  • Emotional problem

  • Exams

  • Fears (heights, driving, flying, needles, dentist etc).

  • Guilt

  • Grief

  • Health issues

  • Memory, focus & concentration

  • Lack of connection

  • Money blocks

  • Motivation

  • Pain control

  • Panic attacks

  • Phobias

  • ​Procrastination

  • Perfectionism

  • Public speaking

  • Public performance 

  • Sports performance

  • Relationships

  • Self esteem

  • Self sabotage

  • Sleep issues

  • Stress

  • Trauma

Transformational Therapy can help with the following:

Please note: 1 Session is recommended for each issue but some issues may need Packages of 3 or 5.

Get in touch to find out which would be most appropriate for you.

“Thinking the same thoughts leads us to make the same choices...

Making the same choices leads to demonstrating the same behaviours...

Demonstrating the same behaviours leads us to create the same experiences...

Creating the same experiences leads us to produce the same emotions...

And those same emotions then drive the same thoughts.”

Dr Joe Dispenza

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