Transformational Therapy
Clinical Cognitive Hypnotherapist
Learn how to harness the power of your mind to make profound change.
Empowering, effective, extraordinary results
in weeks ...
rather than months or years.
How does hypnosis work?
Hypnosis works at the alpha frequency of the brain. This is simply just a relaxed state of consciousness between waking and sleeping.
By working at this relaxed frequency suggestions are more readily assimilated by the individual.
The American Psychological Association has this explanation: “Hypnosis is a therapeutic technique in which clinicians make suggestions to individuals who have undergone a procedure designed to relax them and focus their minds."
“Although hypnosis has been controversial, most clinicians now agree it can be a powerful, effective therapeutic technique for a wide range of conditions, including pain, anxiety and mood disorders. Hypnosis can also help people change their habits."
(Adapted from the Encyclopedia of Psychology)
Will I be 'under your power' during hypnosis?
No one can make you behave in a manner you don’t want to, or make you believe something you know is false. It's a misconception that you are ‘under the complete control’ of a hypnotist. YOU are always in control during our sessions. You cannot be made to do anything that you are not completely happy doing, nor to say something you are not completely happy to reveal. Nor would I want you to. Co-operation and rapport is key to our work, so I want you to be happy about what we are doing. Throughout the session you can remain relaxed because you can know you are taking control of your situation to create the positive change you want.
Is hypnosis safe?
Absolutely - the hypnosis techniques that I use are the safest in the world and the training I received was of the highest quality. You enter hypnosis through a deep relaxation technique. You may experience intense emotions but I am fully trained and experienced to support you.
It is important to recognise that Hypnosis is a safe and natural state that we all go in and out of many times during our day, often without even being aware of it. If you have ever been driving along a road and then 'come to' after 15 minutes and wondered who had been in control of the car or been ’miles away’ when engrossed in a book or film not realising that someone has been trying to talk to you - that's trance and we're all very good at it. It's a little like day-dreaming for some people and also often heightens the awareness of the senses too.
No - no guarantees. The reason for this is quite simple; my approach is about giving you back control in your life and therefore you have to take responsibility for your own success. I expect my clients to work with me to get the results they want. That means putting some effort into the process. If you are expecting me to wave a magic wand and everything gets better, I'm afraid you will be disappointed and I am not the therapist for you. In fact, I would be wary of any therapist who says they are able to work in that way. It is unlikely to be successful in the long term.
What I will guarantee is that I will do my very best to help you get to your goal as quickly a possible. All I ask is that you commit to the process, and work with me as best you can.
I would urge you to be very cautious of any therapist who does guarantee success. We are, afterall, working with people, not machines. Like all therapies, hypnotherapy doesn’t always work for everyone. Trust in and rapport with your chosen therapist is needed for the process of change to begin, together with your own commitment. As everyone is unique, it is virtually impossible to guarantee a success rate. As your therapist, I act as a skilled guide to help you find the solutions within yourself.
What is my involvement during my session?
Your participation is required for the success of this therapy. You have to want to change and participate in our work together. During the therapy you’ll be in a deeply relaxed state but still be able to respond to my questions. Your unconscious mind knows exactly what events shaped your current beliefs and programming. It also knows the significance you attached to those moments, whether you consciously remember them or not. Together we can get to the root cause, eradicate any limiting or debilitating beliefs and reprogramme your mind to work for you instead of against you.
"Change your mind to change your life..."